PWPSD students, staff recognized with Spirit Seeker Awards
Three PWPSD students were presented with Spirit Seeker Awards during a virtual ceremony on March 19, part of the 26th annual Spirit Seekers Youth Conference. Congratulations to Memphis Bower (left), a Grade 7 student at Clairmont Community School who received a Leadership Award; Charleigh Norquay (second from left), a Grade 10 student at Peace Wapiti Academy who received an Academic Achievement Award; and Ciara Ferguson (second from right), a Grade 10 student at Beaverlodge Regional High School who received an Athletic Achievement Award. The students were acknowledged in the Junior category.
Congratulations are also extended to Brigitte Benning (right), Indigenous Education Coordinator at PWPSD, who received the Ik'kiinapaaki (Gentle Woman) Award during the event.
Spirit Seeker Youth Awards are open to 12-29-year-olds in Junior and Senior categories. View the individual award descriptions on the Spirit Seekers Youth Conference Facebook page.
PWPSD covered the registration fees for 10 students from Clairmont Community School, LaGlace School and Sexsmith Secondary School to attend this year’s virtual conference.
PWPSD Virtual General School Councils’ Meeting set for March 30
School Council chairs and members, parents, and school staff are invited to participate in the PWPSD Virtual General School Councils’ Meeting via Google Meet from their home or school on Tuesday, March 30. The Google Meet will open at 6:30 p.m., followed by a call to order at 7:00 p.m.
The agenda will open with an update on the latest news from PWPSD. Attendees will participate in a Thought Exchange to anonymously share their thoughts on what they appreciate about school councils and how to enhance engagement. Those seeking more information on the upcoming Election 2021 and what Board membership involves will benefit from a firsthand account from a current Trustee. The event will feature door prize draws and is expected to wrap up by 8:30 p.m. We hope to see you there!
Saddle Hills County FCSS grant helps fund CSLC service at Bonanza, Savanna and Woking Schools
A $28,000 grant from the Saddle Hills County Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) will offset the cost of providing Community School Liaison Counsellor (CSLC) service at Bonanza School, Savanna School and Woking School during the 2020-21 school year. Kara Bolch, CSLC with PWPSD, will deliver ongoing support for students’ social and emotional well-being at the three schools through collaboration with school staff, presentations, one-on-one counselling with students, and referrals to external community supports where needed. PWPSD and the three schools express sincere thanks to the Saddle Hills County FCSS for this important contribution to student well-being, and for their overall continued support of students and the community.
PWPSD Teacher receives 2021 Women of Influence Award
Jackie Benning, a Teacher with Clairmont Community School, was one of three women recognized with City of Grande Prairie 2021 Women of Influence Awards on March 5. The media release says the annual awards, presented in celebration of International Women’s Day, recognize local women who have made a strong impact on the community by promoting equality and providing opportunities for women. Congratulations, Ms. Benning, on your Trailblazing Woman of Influence Award.
Photo credit: City of Grande Prairie Facebook page.
Swan City Rotary seeking Excellence in Education Award nominations
Swan City Rotary Club of Grande Prairie is seeking Excellence in Education Award nominations of individuals who have stood out during the past and current school years.
“We know how important our educators are to the communities we all live in,” says Amada Erechook in an email to PWPSD. She volunteers with the Rotary Club in the area of Vocational Service.
“We also know that the past 12 months have brought challenges beyond our wildest dreams, but not everything in the last 12 months has been bad,” adds Ms. Erechook. “We have seen unbelievable resiliency and leadership from individuals striving to ensure our youth continue to receive education of the highest quality. It may not have looked the same as it has in the past, but [their] actions speak loud and clear of their commitment to go above and beyond, ensuring our youth have a bright future.”
If you believe an individual from both the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years stands out and deserves recognition, please view the brochure and submit nominations to [email protected] by April 10.
Familiar names spotted in ATA Magazine
Regular readers of the ATA Magazine may have noticed two familiar names in the Winter 2021 issue. A feature spread on page 12 highlights the work of Victoria Wanihadie, an active Substitute Teacher with PWPSD, to preserve Indigenous language for future generations. A story on page 23 includes a shout out to Robert W. Zahara Public School Administration from fellow Teacher Susan Hauser, acknowledging their “kindness and grit through true leadership this fall” and for being “extremely supportive of staff and students alike.”
School News
Beaverlodge Elementary School
Grade 1 students celebrate 100th day of school

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “zero to 60”, but how about “six to 100”? In February, Grade 1 students at BES dressed as 100-year-olds in celebration of the 100th day of school.
Beaverlodge Regional High School
Welcome, spring!

Beaverlodge kicked of the beginning of spring with a few fun festivities: a St. Patty's Coin Hunt, a Potato Carving Challenge, and a Tacky Tourist Day. Cheers to sunny days ahead!
Bonanza School
Grade 1-2 class wins PWPSD Kindness Day challenge
In celebration of Pink Shirt Day, Bonanza School participated in the PWPSD-wide ‘100 Acts of Kindness Challenge’ during the week of February 22. Congratulations to the Grade 1-2 class (pictured top left during the school’s ‘Disney Day’ event) on winning the draw for cookies and juice as a treat for their class. The school also thanks to the M.D. of Spirit River for donating pink shirts to all students and staff to wear during this year’s event.
Breakfast program launched at Bonanza School
Students at Bonanza School are enjoying a new breakfast program, prepared and served by school staff once weekly. The cost of food is covered by PWPSD’s School Nutrition Funding.
Beating the winter blues with fun dress-up days
What better way to beat the winter blues than fun dress-up days that remind us of the warmer months ahead? Mrs. K.'s Kindergarten class said, “Surf’s up!” during their Beach Day event on February 25. Students had fun dressing up for a school-wide Disney Day on March 11.
Clairmont Community School
Meaningful experiences – Jump Rope for Heart and Pink Shirt Day
Clairmont Community School (CCS) Grade 8 Leadership students Wyllo Lindberg and Jasten Hiebert say that students and staff are reflecting on two meaningful experiences.
“At this year’s Jump Rope for Heart event, we all really encouraged each other even harder because one of our own Kodiaks, Miss Barr, sadly passed due to heart complications. We always do our best to encourage other students to participate and spread the word of Jump Rope for Heart, and CCS would like to thank everyone included in this event. Our school raised $3,291 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation in memory of Miss Barr – absolutely awesome! The 5B class raised the highest amount, bringing in $1,896. We are proud to know we helped make a difference.
“Pink Shirt Day is another important event that has been around for many years. The main reason we wear pink shirts is to try to stop bullying by encouraging people to be nicer to others, treating them in the way we would want to be treated. According to the Pink Shirt Day and Do websites, about one in five 12-18 year olds have been affected by bullying with more than half believing their bully has altered what others think of them, and that sixth grade students experience the most bullying. Whether you say things online or in person, we encourage you to please stop as both are really bad. Also, you don't know what people are going through behind the screen.”
Elmworth School
Celebrating 100 days of school

Students in Grades 1 and 2 celebrated the 100th day of school by making crowns and necklaces while practicing counting by fives and tens, both forward and backward.
Winter Carnival
Students at Elmworth School celebrated Winter Carnival in warm temperatures on March 3. Activities included snowshoeing, road hockey, building snowmen and forts, sledding, schlocky, snow soccer, and games of Fox and Geese. The afternoon event wrapped up with hot chocolate and marshmallows served by members of the Student Leadership Team.
Harry Balfour School
Learning and fun at HBS
Pictured clockwise from top left:
For the second year in a row, students in the Grade 5V class decided to give back to the community instead of handing out Valentine's Day cards. Students selected Bandaged Paws as the charity of their choice, and the animal rescue was grateful to receive a load of donated supplies.
New Options rotations at HBS are providing students with opportunities to learn sewing and cosmetology, and how to create stop-motion videos.
Grade 8 students recently attended a Peace Wapiti Academy virtual Open House in preparation for their transition to high school.
HBS celebrates School Spirit Days on Fridays. Students enjoyed dressing alike on Twin Day.
Harry Balfour students enjoyed the warm weather and wore green on St. Patrick's Day.
Grades 7 and 8 students had fun skiing or snowboarding during their trip to Whispering Pines Ski Hill.
Helen E. Taylor School
What’s new at HET
Grade 4 students are learning about levers in Science and appreciate the beautiful weather at recess to perfect their snowman-building skills. All students enjoyed cross country skiing season, aided by Mr. Hopkins’ ski waxing expertise.
Hythe Regional School
HRS Grade 6 girls participate in WISEST Choices Conference
Girls in Grade 6 at Hythe Regional School participated in a virtual Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology (WISEST) Choices Conference offered by the University of Alberta on February 17.
Teacher Amanda Krishka says the students heard from many women in science. A student around their age who participated in a National Science Fair shared the research she is conducting on growing a plant inside Orbeez® – super absorbent polymer beads that grow significantly when placed in water.
“For the hands-on portion of the conference, they learned how to code using pocket-sized computers known as Micro Bits, and received materials to build a lift,” adds Ms. Krishka. “It was a great learning experience and we hope this conference is available virtually again next year.”
Community support provides extras for HRS students
Ongoing support from the Hythe New Horizon Co-Op benefits the school community greatly, and HRS would like to thank the store for their recent $600 donation to the school snack program (top, second from right), along with an array of individually wrapped packages of clay for students to use.
The Hythe Food Bank (bottom right) and the Beaverlodge Food Bank (top right) donated $1,000 each to HRS nutrition programs.
“Offering a school snack program ensures students have their nutritional needs met so they can focus on learning,” says HRS Assistant Principal Holly Gould. “It helps students have a positive experience at school. Providing adequate, healthy food that supports learning also adds to our ability to create a welcoming environment.”
HRS would also like to thank the Hythe Arena for providing ice time (left). Students say they had an “amazing time” and the school appreciates the opportunity to provide this experience to them.
Students visit seniors during Winter Walk Day
On February 17 and 19, HRS classes participated in a postponed Winter Walk Day. HRS Teacher Alicia MacAlister says, “The sun was shining brightly and the weather was perfect. Classes took turns walking by and waving at our neighbours at the Hythe Pioneer Home and the Continuing Care Center.”
Celebrating 100 Days of School
Mrs. Trieber's Grades 1 and 2 students and Mrs. Godel’s Grade 1 class celebrated 100 Days of School on Friday, February 19.
LaGlace School
Ramping up on wellness

Principal Heidi Hargreaves says La Glace School is ramping up wellness initiatives by creating spaces and places for student regulation.
“With the help of support staff, our hallways have been transformed into hopscotch fun. Also, classes can participate in Wellness Walk Wednesdays.”
La Glace School raised money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, participating in a full day of events during physical education classes on February 25.
“Grades 3 and 4 students did a fantastic job of dedicating their personal time to our Jump Rope for Heart event,” adds Ms. Hargreaves. “The staff gave rave reviews of the event!”
Peace Wapiti Academy
Second semester off to a great start
Left: PWA custodian, Chris, takes time to help a student with exam review.
Middle: Congratulations to Mr. Nagel on his Passionate Heart Award for Exceptional Service. PWA says they are fortunate to have him as a part of their community.
Right: Mrs. Brinson's Math 20-3 class hit it out of the park with their tin man creations. Students first calculated the surface area for their tin man construction, and then wrapped it according to their calculations.
PWA's student PIVOT group drew inspirational words in the snow to help encourage others.
Mrs. Fehr's Foods 10 class cut fresh greens supplied by Mr. Vavrek, sampling each one to determine which type to include in their garden salad. The salad was part of their practical exam.
Mr. Warkentin's Grade 9 class is enjoying the challenging sport of curling.
Penson School
“We can’t teach everyone the same way” – Penson School part of interactive digital learning tool pilot
Penson junior high teachers Tarryn Hemmingway (picture courtesy of Edwin) and Cathy Squires have been recognized for their use of the Edwin Ecosystem digital learning platform with their students.
Congratulations to Penson junior high teachers Tarryn Hemmingway and Cathy Squires on being recognized for their use of the Edwin Ecosystem with their students, a digital learning platform being piloted at PWPSD schools during the current and past school years. Ms. Hemmingway’s experience is featured in the Edwin Stories section of the company’s website. Both teachers say they are happy to share their Edwin journey with PWPSD administration and teachers.
Edwin offers a digital learning ecosystem of resources, interactive tools, and lessons to support student learning. Support for teachers is provided via peer users and the professional community.
Speaking about her students who have struggled with reading, Ms. Hemmingway says, “We can’t teach everyone the same way…I’ve watched some of my kids struggle for several years, and seeing them finally being able to access the same information as their peers was really nice. Seeing them have that ‘aha’ moment – when they truly understand what they’re learning – is great.”
“Their insight into using this platform is vital as we move forward with the K-6 curriculum changes slated to come as early as next fall, that will expand to higher grades the following year,” says Don MacAskill, Principal of Penson School.
With the changes to curriculum, schools will need to make decisions about resources and support materials, and Edwin has provided PWPSD’s 21st Century learners with a game-changing digital experience.
“On behalf of the staff and students of Penson School, we appreciate these wonderful teachers for helping to lead our division and represent Penson well,” adds Mr. MacAskill. “Small schools do BIG things!”
Robert W. Zahara Public School
Canadian author dedicates novel to Grade 5 class
During a visit to RWZ in October 2019, Canadian author Sigmund Brouwer (inset, top right) and Grade 5C teacher Mr. Wilson (far left) had a discussion about writing and really hit it off. The author maintained intermittent contact with the teacher and his class, offering writing tips and access to a book he was writing at the time, until COVID-19 and the move to at-home learning in March 2020.
Assistant Principal Stacy Rorem says, “This year, the contact has become more regular, with our 5C students and some other classes becoming ‘Story Ninjas’ as they take part in writing lessons with Sigmund.”
In addition to the lessons, Mr. Wilson and his class have been invited to read, edit and provide feedback on chapters of Mr. Brouwer’s newest book, Trapped, and were even asked to name the main character.
“In February, they learned that Mr. Brouwer is dedicating the book to them,” adds Ms. Rorem. “The dedication, that will include a list of the students’ names, will read, ‘To Wilson’s 5C Story Ninjas! All of you are rock stars. Thanks for helping me with the story.’ We can’t wait to purchase several copies for our school library.”
RWZ helping educate future educators
RWZ is excited to have several future teachers and educational assistants completing their practicums at the school this month.
“Mentor teachers gave us all the opportunity to develop our skills and hone our craft,” says Assistant Principal Stacy Rorem. “We are happy to pay it forward to aspiring educators.”
The school welcomed students from the GPRC, University of Alberta and University of Calgary campuses, and say it’s exciting to be surrounded by such enthusiastic, awesome people.
Ms. Rorem says to look for them at a school near you very soon, providing RWZ doesn't steal them first!
Thanks to the following teachers for partnering with the student teachers and educational assistants:
Pictured top, left-right: ECS teacher Sue Hauser with Neena Kimble; Grade 4B teacher Clara Girvan with Kaitlyn Clair; and Grade 5B teacher Nicole James with Stephanie Bell.
Middle: Grade 5C teacher Graham Wilson with True Lojczyc.
Bottom, left-right: Grade 4A teacher Johnathan Warr with Cory Wickberg; Grade 2B teacher Jason Hovdebo with Vincent Wild; and Grade 3A teacher Wendy Wolski with Miranda Baker.
RWZ Jump Rope for Heart
Congratulations to students and staff for raising $2,697 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation through a Jump Rope for Heart event. They also kept track of their jumps – more than 500,000!
Savanna School
Saddle Hills County awards $10,000 grant for greenhouse
Through the generosity of the Saddle Hills County recreation grant program, Savanna School has been awarded $10,000 to complete the construction of the school’s 1,200 square foot heated greenhouse.
The school says, “Our greenhouse will be used to offer engaging programming to students of all ages and will also be home to our soon-to-be-developed community garden. Construction is set to be completed this summer, with programming being offered in the upcoming 2021-22 school year.”
Sexsmith Secondary School
SSS student-athlete recognition
Grade 7 student Marley Monsen (left) nominated for Junior Athlete of the Year Award: In her nomination for a Northwest Alberta Sport Excellence Award, the Grande Prairie Regional Sport Connection website says, “At the age of 10, Marley surpassed the qualifying times for Provincials and qualified for 12 and under Alberta championships. Marley holds a Grande Prairie Piranhas junior club record for her fly at the Club, was recognized for being Top 10 in Canada for her age, as well as receiving Youth Recognition from Swim Alberta for hitting the time standards. Although in 2020 Marley was competing as the youngest in her age group, she swam away with a win in her heat and in the swim meet. Marley Monson is deserving of this recognition not only because of her accomplishments at a young age, but also because of her dedication to training as well as the support she continually shows to all of the other members of the club."
Grade 12 student Luke Yakemchuk (middle) signs with U of A Golden Bears: After his successful run as one of the top Sabres’ receivers, Luke has officially signed with the University of Alberta Golden Bears to play in the fall. Luke has not yet declared his major but says he is looking forward to the adventure of post-secondary education and athletics.
PHE wing updated
Principal Mike Lauzon says there have been a number of updates to Sexsmith Secondary School’s Physical and Health Education (PHE) wing, thanks to the support of the school division.
“The gym walls, basketball backstops and ceiling venting received a fresh coat of paint; volleyball standards have been replaced with a top-ranked system; new shot clocks and glass backboards were installed for basketball; and installation is complete on a sound and video system. The new bleachers, added last year, can seat 400.
“The most noticeable difference is the gym floor that saw sanding and all lines repainted, along with upgrades to the sockets. Topping it all off is our new logo, proudly displayed along with ‘Home of the Sabres’ at center court.
“Our fitness room also received an update, including new exercise equipment. Also in the works is a Hall of Fame, located in the change room hallway, to recognize past and present accomplishments.”
Spirit River Regional Academy
FCSS Pink Shirt Day donation

Thanks to the generous donation from FCSS, all Spirit River Regional Academy (SRRA) students and staff received a free Pink Shirt Day t-shirt to wear on February 24.
The school enlisted Lighthouse Promotions to make the t-shirts which also featured the SRRA Renegades logo.
FCSS also provided funding for “words of affirmation” balloons that were released in the school hallways. The school says it was a unique way for students to write down their intentions and then let them go, adding that the elementary students enjoyed the activity immensely.
In addition to funding Pink Shirt Day activities, FCSS also donated prize money to support cafeteria gift certificate prize draws in recognition of student acts of kindness during the week of February 22-26.
Upcoming events
- PWPSD Virtual General School Councils’ Meeting: Tuesday, March 30 via Google Meet, 6:30 p.m. start time. Call to order at 7:00 p.m. More information.
- Good Friday and Easter Monday: April 2 and 5. No school. PWPSD offices and shops will be closed.
- Easter Break: April 5-9. No school.
- Public School Boards’ Council Meeting: Friday, April 16, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. via Zoom. Register here by April 14.
- PSBAA Professional Development Sessions: Monday, April 19, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. via Zoom. Details.
- Administrator Meeting: Tuesday, April 20.
- Administrative Professionals’ Day: Wednesday, April 21.
- Earth Day: Thursday, April 22.
- ASCA Virtual School Councils Conference and AGM: Friday - Sunday, April 23-25. More information and registration.
- Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence: Nomination deadline is Tuesday, April 27. Nomination package.
- Next Board Meeting: Thursday, April 29, 10:30 a.m.
Recent Announcements
- Mar. 10, 2021 Construction Update – Replacement Harry Balfour School
- Mar. 10, 2021 PWPSD Virtual General School Councils’ Meeting set for March 30, 2021
- Mar. 09, 2021 PWPSD Thought Exchange Report: What areas do we need to focus on to ensure the success of every student?
- Mar. 08, 2021 Saddle Hills County FCSS grant helps fund CSLC service at Bonanza, Savanna and Woking Schools
- Mar. 08, 2021 Substitute Teachers’ Appreciation Week is March 8-12
- Mar. 23, 2021 Welcome to Kindergarten – Online registration opens March 2
- Mar. 23, 2021 PWPSD Board News – February 18, 2021
- Mar. 22, 2021 February 24 is Pink Shirt Day – Lift Each Other Up
- Mar. 19, 2021 Top graduates of 2020 recognized with PWPSD Academic Awards of Excellence
Recent Media Coverage
- Mar. 18, 2021 Youth of the Week: Sydney Hanson, Grade 6, Beaverlodge Elementary School, Town & Country News
- Mar. 15, 2021 Saddle Hills County FCSS $28K grant backs counsellor service at three schools, Central Peace Signal
- Mar. 11, 2021 Construction to start this fall on Harry Balfour School, Daily Herald Tribune
- Mar. 11, 2021 FCSS grant to cover counsellor services for three schools, 2day FM
- Mar. 11, 2021 Hythe and District Food Bank donates $1,000 to Hythe Regional School breakfast program, Town & Country News
- Mar. 10, 2021 Jackie Benning wins the Trailblazing Women of Influence Award, Daily Herald Tribune
- Mar. 10, 2021 No new capital funding for Grande Prairie area schools, 2day FM
- Mar. 10, 2021 Designer named for Harry Balfour replacement school, 2day FM
- Mar. 10, 2021 Construction of Harry Balfour School replacement at Five Mile site expected to start in Fall 2021, Everything GP
- Mar. 09, 2021 SRRA's Chabot spikes for GPRC Wolves, Central Peace Signal
- Mar. 09, 2021 SRRA Pink Day gets boost from FCSS, Central Peace Signal
- Mar. 08, 2021 Saddle Hills County FCSS grant helps fund CSLC service at Bonanza, Savanna and Woking Schools, Reach FM
- Mar. 04, 2021 Youth of the Week: WRCS Grade 6 student Macey McKechnie, Town & Country News
- Mar. 02, 2021 Rycroft School receives $1,500 donation from Solution Services Inc. for healthy snacks, Central Peace Signal
- Feb. 25, 2021 Youth of the Week: RWZ Grade 1 student Robert Mayo, Town & Country News
- Feb. 24, 2021 Pink Shirt Day puts spotlight on importance of anti-bullying, Everything GP
- Feb. 23, 2021 Honours for two top Central Peace student achievers, Central Peace Signal
- Feb. 23, 2021 Schools celebrate Literacy Day – Bonanza School and SRRA, Central Peace Signal
- Feb. 18, 2021 Hythe teacher discusses Canadian Hide campaign, Town & Country News
- Feb. 18, 2021 Passionate Hearts of the South Peace named, Town & Country News
- Feb. 18, 2021 HRS student Layton Lossing proudly displays gift from 3D Children's Charity, Town & Country News
- Feb. 16, 2021 Social services workers honoured at virtual Passionate Heart Awards celebration, Reach FM
- Feb. 16, 2021 Social services workers honoured at virtual Passionate Heart Awards celebration, Daily Herald Tribune
- Feb. 16, 2021 Social service providers in Grande Prairie area earn Passionate Heart Awards, Everything GP
- Feb. 16, 2021 Passionate Hearts recognized in virtual ceremony, 2day FM
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