During the April 27 Board meeting, trustees heard from engagement consultant Kim Hyshka of Dialogue Partners and received the final report of the Guiding Our Future engagement activities.
Guiding Our Future is a project and conversation about working together to map out a sustainable path forward regarding junior high programming in the communities of Beaverlodge and Hythe.
Parents, staff, students, and community members were invited to participate online or in-person, and all data collected throughout the engagement process has been organized into a final report, which can be found on the Guiding Our Future webpage.
Trustees will debate the findings presented in the report at the next Board meeting on Thursday, May 25.
PWPSD Assurance Survey provides schools with important insight
Between April 24 and May 9, parents/guardians, students, and school-based staff were invited to complete a Division assurance survey. New this year, the survey was designed to gather input on items that are important in guiding the Division towards its priorities of ensuring high quality student learning, equity in education, and wellness.
Once compiled, results will be sent to individual schools to update their three-year plans, which identify the priorities, outcomes, and strategies that will be used to achieve their goals.
Thank you everyone who took the time to complete the PWPSD Assurance Survey!
Two Weyerhaeuser scholarships up for grabs
Additional information and scholarships can be found on our website.
Committee & Meeting Reports
Trustee McIntosh presented the Policy Review Committee Meeting Report
Trustee Clarke presented the PSBC Meeting Report and the ASBA Zone 1 PD Report
Trustee Speager presented the Health & Safety Committee Meeting Report
Upcoming Events
Kindergarten & New Student Registration Now Open: Registration is ongoing - visit www.pwpsd.ca/registration for more information
Mother's Day: Sunday, April 14
Victoria Day: Monday, May 22, no school - all PWPSD offices and shops closed
Next Board Meeting: Thursday, May 25 at 10:30 a.m.
2023 Graduations:
Ridgevalley School Graduation: Saturday, May 13
Beaverlodge Regional High School Graduation: Friday, May 26
Sexsmith Secondary School Graduation: Friday, May 26
Spirit River Regional Academy Graduation: Friday, June 2
Eaglesham School Graduation: Friday, June 9
Savanna School Graduation: Saturday, June 24
Peace Wapiti Enterprise Centre Graduation: Wednesday, June 28
PWPSD BOARD NEWS A report on news from Peace Wapiti Public School Division, published following each Board Meeting.
Content and Design: Kayla Klava, Communications Officer, kaylaklava@pwpsd.ca Peace Wapiti Public School Division, Central Office, 8611A-108 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4C5
For more good news, see the News & Announcements section on our website at www.pwpsd.ca.